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The Blog of BlackRain79, 3-Time Best Selling Poker Author and YouTuber Percentage and cap don’t really tell you how much rake you have to pay for a certain game and make it difficult to compare different rake models. For example: Playing $1 $2 NLH, is it better to have to pay 3% rake with a $5 cap or 5% rake with a $3 cap? In Poker, the Rake is the house fee that is charged to the game on a per hand basis. Usually, this fee is taken directly out of the pot as the bets are collected and grouped into it, after each round of betting. Beside the regular Rake that is taken out of the pot, there might be an additional % of Rake that is taken to feed a jackpot that you can play for. Standard Rakes are usually a small percentage of the amount in the pot, capped at a certain fixed dollar limit. view homepage.

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About author:
First Name, Last Name:Terence Harvey
Postal address:3343 Juniper Drive, Mio, 48647, United States
Tropical zodiac:Leo
Company:Manning's Cafeterias
Occupation:Osteopathic surgeon
Con ello buscamos brindar una experiencia de juegos de la más alta calidad. Dreams are dealt on daily basis.

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